Many think being an English teacher is the easiest job in the world. Take a bunch of kids, turn on a movie, and assign a paper, but it is actually one of the most challenging and rewarding professions on the planet! If you don't believe me or if you do, follow me on this journey. It's bound to be an interesting one.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Adios, TPTE 486!

Today is the final day of TPTE 486. When I first started this class, I honestly thought I'm a tech-savvy person, and I won't really benefit from a class on technology. Boy was I wrong! I learned about so many tools and resources that I can use in my classroom to enhance learning. I will say that technology has a way of creating frustration instantly. It's not always predictable, and it doesn't always do what you want it to do. However, so many of the resources we learned about in this class will help me present information in a variety of ways that will help all learners as well as help students demonstrate their knowledge to me in a variety of ways. In one of my other classes last week, I was talking with my teacher about using a Wiki to help general education and special education teachers work together when co-teaching a class. I had a classmate say "what's a Wiki?" I was so glad that I knew the answer to that because before this class I would have had a very similar response.

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