Many think being an English teacher is the easiest job in the world. Take a bunch of kids, turn on a movie, and assign a paper, but it is actually one of the most challenging and rewarding professions on the planet! If you don't believe me or if you do, follow me on this journey. It's bound to be an interesting one.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Designing a Classroom Website

I didn't think designing a website could be so easy. Google sites made the process fairly easy to figure out. The hardest part was figuring out exactly what was important enough to put on my page. I did have some trouble with certain images. The size of the screen can greatly change the appearance of the content, so that is important to consider when designing a site. 

I think that having a classroom website is a very good idea, and it is definitely something that I plan to have in my classroom. The only problem I see with using websites is that it may not be the most effective way to reach certain students or parents, especially in high poverty areas. Teachers should consider the demographic of the school at which they are teaching. In such situations, the teacher could still have a website but should also remember that notes home and keeping the parents informed through other means will be necessary.

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